A TAwaitable triggered when the operation leaves the RUNNING status.
Returns the result of the operation.
Returns the captured exception if the operation failed, or null otherwise.
The status the operation is currently in.
Convenience shorthand for waiting until the result is available and then get()ing it.
Convenience shorthand for waiting until the result is available and then get()ing it.
Represents an operation which is executed asynchronously and the result of which will become available at some point in the future.
Once a operation is completed, the result of the operation can be fetched via the get() family of methods. There are three possible cases: Either the operation succeeded, then its return value is returned, or it failed by throwing, in which case the exception is rethrown, or it was cancelled before, then a TCancelledException is thrown. There might be TFuture implementations which never possibly enter the cancelled state.
All methods are thread-safe, but keep in mind that any exception object or result (if it is a reference type, of course) is shared between all get()-family invocations.